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  • Another example of negative regulation is the inhibition


    Another example of negative regulation is the inhibition of the yeast endosome-associated DUB Doa4 by Rfu1 (free ubiquitin chains 1). In a yeast genetics screen, deletion of Rfu1 was serendipitously found to alter global ubiquitin levels [69]. DUBs can regulate these levels by liberating conjugated ubiquitin from targets. Changes in global ubiquitin levels are often associated with cellular stress responses [69]. Rfu1 was shown to directly inhibit Doa4 activity through a mechanism that is unknown on the molecular level, suggesting that the Doa4/Rfu1 system contributes to the regulation of global ubiquitin levels [69]. Interestingly, Doa4 can also be activated by the endosome-associated protein Bro1, indicating that, similar to UCH-L5, Doa4 is subject to both positive and negative regulation [70]. A final example of negative regulation is the deubiquitylation of monoubiquitylated PCNA (PCNA-Ub) by the USP1/UAF1 complex. During replication stress, the protein Spartan binds to monoubiquitylated PCNA 71, 72. This binding event was suggested to protect PCNA-Ub from deubiquitylation by the USP1/UAF1 complex to drive the stress response that is dependent on the ubiquitin signal [71]. This is different from UCH-L5/INO80G, where INO80G directly prevents substrate docking onto the DUB; instead, Spartan blocks the DUB-binding site on the substrate, protecting it from deubiquitylation.
    Post-translational modifications PTMs, such as sumoylation, ubiquitylation, and phosphorylation, are a convenient way for Praziquantel mg to further fine-tune DUB activity. An example is DUBA, an OTU class enzyme that has an important role in the immune system. DUBA is only active when it is phosphorylated at Ser177 (pSer177) [73] and crystal structures demonstrated that phosphorylation refolds part of the protein that assists in ubiquitin binding, explaining the importance of the modification (Figure 1). This is highlighted in antigen-stimulated macrophages, in which pSer177 DUBA levels are increased to regulate the immune response. Activation by phosphorylation also takes place during the cell cycle, where USP37 is modified by CDK-2 to directly stimulate DUB activity [74]. In an analogous manner, USP1 phosphorylation was suggested to be required for complex formation with the activator UAF-1 [75]. Phosphorylation can also negatively affect DUB activity. The DUB OTULIN is recruited to the NF-κB pathway by binding the HOIP PUB domain with its PUB Interacting Motif (PIM) 76, 77, thus connecting the E3 ligase (HOIP in the LUBAC complex) and the DUB for linear ubiquitin chains. Phosphorylation of Tyr56 within the PIM abrogates this interaction and the ability of OTULIN to antagonize NF-κB signaling. The activity of the NF-κB-associated DUB CYLD is negatively affected by both phosphorylation and sumoylation 78, 79, while sumoylation also impedes USP25 activity. This multidomain DUB contains UBDs that are required for efficient polyubiquitin hydrolysis. Sumoylation at one of these UBDs decreases USP25 chain hydrolysis activity [80]. In addition to sumoylation, ubiquitylation of DUBs has also been reported to regulate activity. UCH-L1 monoubiquitylation at Lys157 of the active site cross-over loop decreased its activity [81]. By contrast, ubiquitylation of the MJD class DUBs ATXN3 and JosD1 stimulates their polyubiquitin chain hydrolysis activities 82, 83. In some cases, PTMs can alter DUB subcellular localization. Ubiquitylation of BAP1 near its nuclear localization sequence negatively regulates its activity by excluding BAP1 from the nucleus, where most of its targets reside [84]. Similarly, phosphorylation of USP4 by AKT also leads to its redistribution from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where it ultimately reaches the cell membrane to deubiquitylate the TFG-β receptor I [85]. Conversely, during DNA damage, the predominantly cytoplasmic DUB USP10 is translocated to the nucleus after phosphorylation to deubiquitylate p53 [86].