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In WHO after realising the shortfall in appropriate medical
In 2009, WHO, after realising the shortfall in appropriate medical devices in developing countries, called for innovative health technologies to address the technological gap between health-care settings in developed and developing countries. WHO\'s programme, the compendium of innovative health tec
br En las p ginas de La
En las páginas de La esquina de los ojos rojos, jóvenes “pránganas” escapando secretin receptor toda velocidad sobre una motoneta, una vez cometido un asesinato, huyen a toda costa de una realidad vengativa, de los límites de un vacío personal, ético y de las cerradas posibilidades de esa asfixian
Los sectores sociales movilizados espec ficamente las comuni
Los sectores sociales movilizados, específicamente las comunidades afectadas por la industria extractiva y el movimiento indígena-amazónico, no lograron articular una plataforma conjunta que ampliara sus posibilidades de exigir un trato con Gana Perú en mayor igualdad de condiciones. Mientras aidese
Igualmente podr a ampliarse su cr tica a la
Igualmente, podría ampliarse su crítica CHIR-99021 la modernidad occidental, entendida como proyecto civilizatorio orientado por la totalización de la racionalidad instrumental y el mito del progreso. La modernidad occidental no es sólo expresión de una racionalidad fetichizada. En tanto capitalismo
Although second malignancies are increasingly
Although second malignancies are increasingly observed after NHL, the incidence of CLL and RCC in the same patient is exceptional [4,5]. Nishikubo et al. [4] reported a case series of 8 patients with lymphoid malignancies and RCC. In 2 of 8 patients, CLL and T-cell CLL were diagnosed 1 year and 8 mo
Then we try to provide evidence to show that
Then, we try to provide evidence to show that the mechanism of GLT-1 down-regulation after lethal OGD may be related to the activation of p38 MAPK in astrocyte-neuron co-cultures. Firstly, it was observed that p-p38 MAPK expression in astrocytes was significantly increased after lethal OGD by wester
This population based study demonstrates that interventions
This population-based study demonstrates that interventions must change attitudes regarding violence in the home and society, promote positive parenting practices, and tackle the inequality that allows the normalisation of violence and patriarchal power over women and children. Violence does not occ
As for the detection rate we should select a different
As for the detection rate, we should select a different setting in patients with primary prevention and secondary prevention because ICD patients with primary prevention experience the faster lethal arrhythmia with an average rate of 200 beats per minute [27]. On the other hand, ICD recipients with
Introduction Paraneoplastic immune mediated encephalopathy
Introduction Paraneoplastic immune-mediated encephalopathy is a newly described disease. In 2005, Vitaliani et al first reported that four young women with ovarian teratoma (OT) had developed acute psychiatric and neurologic symptoms, e.g., seizures, memory deficits, decreased level of consciousnes
En otros casos como en de
En otros casos, como en de Óscar de Pablo (1979), predomina el referente histórico como una Cabozantinib Supplier para desarrollar tramas narrativas muy complejas, donde puede mezclarse poesía y reflexión social; en “Nadie (que yo conozca) es Tolomeo III”, aprovecha la imagen de un faraón egipcio
La Historia natural o moral de las Indias de Joseph
5. La Historia natural o moral de las Indias de Joseph de Acosta (1540-1600), impresa en 1592, recoge con gran concisión y puntualidad hechos históricos al tiempo que explica los aspectos de la naturaleza que, desde su perspectiva, no han sido tratados en forma adecuada por las fuentes anteriores. E
On the basis of this mechanism the prolonged
On the basis of this mechanism, the prolonged RR interval with the patient\'s symptoms was likely a reflection of the progression of the AV block with an underlying first-degree AV block. Despite a first-degree AV block (420ms) during the short RP rhythm, a short PR interval (160ms) was observed wit
Among our study patients without supraventricular tachyarrhy
Among our study patients without supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, the prevalence of a spontaneous type 1 Brugada ECG and symptoms were higher and QRS duration was longer than in those with supraventricular tachyarrhythmia. Previous studies have revealed a spontaneous type 1 Brugada ECG and prolonge
Univariate analysis for overall survival revealed that age y
Univariate analysis for overall survival revealed that age (≤, >50 years), menopausal status, T-N stage, and histological tumor size were statistically significant factors for survival. Menopausal status was determined after two years of amenorrhea. In post-menopausal women, the disease-free surviva
Conflicting findings have been reported
Conflicting findings have been reported on the survival and function recovery between treatments of LSS and amputation in patients with osteosarcoma. Toward this end, a meta-analysis of published clinical trials was performed to compare the clinical efficacy of LSS and amputation treatments in terms
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